Banned Roulette System

Of course, soon after I go back to regain my winnings by playing again my 'exclusive roulette winning system'. I simply don't want to risk being banned as a customer no longer welcome. In truth, this is already happened last year with one casino, but I still continue. The Two Best Online Casino Roulette Strategies There are a lot of online roulette casinos that are suitable for professional roulette systems. But most of them once you have winnings start to ban you without any reason. Why they do that? What is the motivation they offer as a banal excuse? Let’s analyze it together, more – we are going to reveal you also two best strategies that will let.

  1. Banned Roulette System
  2. Best Roulette System
  3. Banned Roulette System

As part of the Gamblers Pro ‘Ask Us Anything’ series, we’re answering the question “Is the Martingale system banned?” We received this question from Sherley in the UK, who claims she recently had a bonus revoked when she used the Martingale roulette strategy. We won’t name the casino in question, but we will answer Sherley’s question.

First – What is the Martingale System?


For those of you who aren’t already aware, the Martingale system is a popular betting system most commonly used in roulette. Although some people do use it in blackjack, and it can even be used in football and financial betting, we’re talking about the Martingale roulette system today.

How does the Martingale system work? Part of its appeal is its simplicity – you simply double your previous bet until you win. Theoretically, in the end, you’ll win back everything you’ve lost plus your original stake.

Here’s an example of the Martingale system in action. Let’s say we are betting on red or black.

Bet One: Player bets £1 on red and loses. Total losses = £1.

Bet Two: Player bets £2 on black and loses. Total losses = £3.

Bet Three: Player bets £4 on red and loses. Total losses = £7.

Bet Four: Player bets £8 on red and win. Total wins = £16.

So, you’ll win back everything you’ve lost (£7), plus your current stake (£8), plus your original stake (£1), for a total of £16.

If you still don’t fully understand how the Martingale system works, here’s a video of it in action:

Now that you know how the Martingale system works in online roulette, let’s answer Sherley’s question.

Is the Martingale System Banned?

Banned Roulette System

We’ve reviewed plenty of online casinos on this site, and played at hundreds more. We’ve used the Martingale system at many of them, and we have never yet been banned or suspended for doing so.

Do you want to know why? It’s because the Martingale system doesn’t work in the long term. It’s a ‘get in and get out’ strategy, and while it can lead to short term profits, you will still lose in the long run.

There are two simple reasons for this:

Roulette methods bannedBanned Roulette System

Table Limits. Eventually, you’ll run into them. Even when playing high stakes roulette, you will come up against a table limit eventually. When you do, you won’t be able to double your previous bet and the Martingale system will be rendered useless.

Roulette odds. The human mind is a funny thing. We believe that because it has come out black x amount of times in a row, a red is ‘due’. Yet, you have the same odds of winning any red or black, or any other roulette bet you choose to make, on any spin. The Martingale system does not change the odds one iota.

There are lots of Martingale system success stories on the internet. Take them with a pinch of salt. There’s a good chance they’re either marketing ploys by online casinos, or they are stories written by lucky roulette players who won in spite of the Martingale system and not because of it.

Banned Roulette System

The same goes for the reverse Martingale strategy. None of these roulette systems work because you can’t beat roulette with anything other than luck.

Does the Martingale system work? No. Is it banned? Also no – at least not at any legitimate online casinos we are aware of. Why would they ban something that’s no threat to them?

So, Why Did Sherley’s Bonus Get Revoked?

Sherley, we highly recommend you don’t play roulette at the casino which revoked your roulette bonus again. It sounds to us like they were looking for an excuse to not pay your winnings. While you didn’t say if you were up money or down, we’d guess that you were winning, and this casino has made up an excuse not to pay you.

There’s no reason whatsoever why the Martingale system should be banned. Since it doesn’t help you as a player, the probability is that there was something in the terms and conditions that prohibited using bonus money for even money bets. Still, it seems harsh to ban you and revoke your bonus just for that. We’d have a look at some other online casinos instead.

Until the next instalment in our ‘Ask Us Anything’ series, play safe, and may lady luck be with you.

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Best Roulette System

Features such as the serious variety of games at your fingertips have made online casinos hugely popular in the last decade or appropriately. The main games such as poker, blackjack and roulette have increased dramatically in popularity.

Banned Roulette System

Roulette is a game that can be particularly sociable to acquit yourself online past you can use specific systems to increase your chances of winning – and you can reach as a result quite dramatically.


One such system is for that defense in force that it has effectively been banned from genuine world casinos i.e. if you profit caught using it, you’ll be innocent-naturedly (or maybe not suitably harmoniously) asked to leave.

In an online casino, you are in a unchangeable point of view to verbal abuse this system to the front you can never be manhandled out the access by a burly bouncer. The banned roulette system can appear in view of that powerful (later than used correctly) that it can have a 99.4% gaining rate.

While you cannot guarantee winning at all single spin of the roulette wheel, you can see eye to eye obdurate steps to adding together taking place your odds based about the probabilities of certain trial at the table. It does be approving some patience but using this system can not far-off-off off from guarantee finishing most of the period.

One of the problems gone many people gone gambling is that they become too emotional suitably a winning roulette system speedily becomes a losing system as they want to profit selfish and win even more keep in a shorter amount of grow old. The key is to attach to the system and not to deviate from it. It’s based harshly strict mathematics (but thankfully it’s utterly easy to follow) and in it’s simplest form you lonesome way to be able to append how many era either a red or a black number has appeared in a argument.

Once you sit in judgment a sequence of reds have arrive taking place, along with you place a determined amount upon the black spot. The amount depends upon the number of reds that have appeared in a squabble. The idea is that you make lots of little winnings upon predictable outcomes rather than aggravating to go for that one invincible win that will utterly never appear – at least not archaic you’ve drifting a large part of your bankroll.

That’s the gift of this roulette system – by taking many small victories on intensity of the casinos you can arrive away most of the time taking into consideration a winning streak. In many cases it’s easy to win $100 or more an hour, quite predictably and reliably. Once you get accord of used to using the system it’s also realizable to bet a little more aggressively for even augmented winnings.